Life is so fragile
Life is so fragile, its nature is transitory. It is easy to see how it changes in only one year, a month, a week, a day, an hour, a minute, and second by second. There are sixty-five of the shortest instants in the time it takes to snap my fingers, and even in those short split seconds life is changing.
“Why should I be surprised that life changes so much? That’s natural; let it happen!” To think in this way is very foolish and ignorant because as life is changing so quickly in those very short instants I am becoming older.
Since you were born until now, until you die, just as the sun has been rising and setting every day, so has your life been approaching death in the same way. Day appears, finishes; night appears, finishes; they are impermanent, they do not always continue. Day doesn’t always exist as day; it’s not permanent. Just as day changes into night, everything else, all causative phenomena, change just as quickly. As day goes, as night goes, as the sun goes, everything changes in the same way.
Esto lo ha dicho el venerable, irrepetible y santo Lama Zopa Rimpoche.
La vida es tan fragíl!!! Hay 65 instantes de tiempo en lo que se tarda en chasquear los dedos. La vida esta cambiando segundo a segundo, en esos cortisimos instantes yo estoy acercándome a la vejez.
Desde que nacemos hasta este momento, justo como nace el sol por la mañana y se pone por la tarde, mi vida se aproxima a la muerte, al final. La noche aparece y desaparece, el día aparece y desaparece, son impermanentes, no duran para siempre, no existen siempre, nacen y mueren todos los días.
Pues así, justo como esto, así son los fenómenos y todo lo demás, cambian tan rápidamente que sorprende si te paras a verlo y pensarlo.
Es una pena perder el tiempo en drograrse y hacer el estúpido. Alguien te pedirá cuentas cuando tu alma salga del cuerpo.